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$93 or Free – Kitchen or Bath Drain Cleaning

Our Team Repairs & Upgrades Kitchen & Bathroom Fixtures

If you have a leaky faucet that’s keeping you up at night, a bathroom sink that doesn’t drain quickly enough, or a shower faucet that runs in a trickle instead of a powerful spray, we can help. Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical repairs and installs faucets, fixtures, and sinks for homeowners in Utah County, UT. Our experienced plumbers can diagnose your problem and perform any necessary repairs or replacements. Now’s the perfect time to upgrade your fixtures to enjoy better performance and increase energy efficiency. Choose our team if you have loose sink fixtures or need sink repair or showerhead replacement services. Learn more about the services we offer, and get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment.

dog snuggled in dog bed

Leaky Pipes & Pipe Replacement Services

Faucet issues are easy to notice, but pipe problems can be harder to detect. You might hear a dripping sound from a leaky pipe but not be able to locate the source. You might also notice that water flows differently, but you don’t know why. Our experienced Utah County plumbers will locate and diagnose the problem and determine whether you have a clog, a leaky pipe, or another problem. We will then repair your plumbing issue, whether you need drain cleaning, pipe replacement, or other services. Check out some possible causes of a leaky faucet:

  • O-ring – The O-ring holds the faucet handle in place. When this part becomes worn out or was not installed properly, it can cause a faucet leak. Replacing the O-ring will usually solve this issue.
  • Installation – Never allow an amateur to install a faucet. Improper installation will result in spending more money dealing with repairs from leaks. Our professional plumbers will install your faucets correctly the first time and repair problems related to improper installation from someone else.
  • Water pressure – Your faucet might only drip in certain positions or during certain times of the day. These are signs that you may have an issue with your water pressure.
  • Faulty parts – Corroded or broken parts such as the O-ring, washer, or valve can cause a faucet to leak. We can replace these parts quickly so you won’t have to deal with an annoying leak that wastes water.

Updating Faucets & Fixtures

There are many issues that could be causing the faucets in your bathroom or kitchen to malfunction. The issue can be as simple as a worn-out O-ring, but more severe problems could also be to blame. Our experienced plumbing repair technicians will perform a thorough inspection and check for low water pressure. After diagnosing your issue, we will repair the problem efficiently to help you get your faucets and plumbing fixtures working correctly as quickly as possible.

Professional Drain Cleaning

We don’t recommend any of those DIY drain cleaning products because you may cause more harm than good to your home’s drains. Clogged drains can occur for many reasons, including too much grease, hair, or stringy foods going down the drain. Our professional plumbers use the best tools to clear clogs without damaging your plumbing system.

Schedule Plumbing Services Today

The team at Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical does it all when it comes to plumbing services. We can repair a loose sink faucet, solve your problem of a leaking sink faucet, or upgrade with sink replacement services. Our professional plumbers are available 24/7 for emergency plumbing services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment related to faucets, fixtures, and sinks.

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