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Annual Furnace Tune-Up Inspections

Save $40 on your furnace tune-up when you give 4 cans of food

Quick & Efficient Air Conditioning Maintenance Services

Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical has served the air conditioning maintenance needs of Utah & Washington County since 1974. When you are proactive about air conditioning maintenance, you can ensure your home is comfortable and cool year-round while ensuring it provides a healthy environment for you and your loved ones. Taking simple steps to protect and promote the proper functioning of your air conditioning system can significantly improve its efficiency and extend its lifespan. At Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical, we are driven by a desire to catch potential issues before they turn into full-fledged problems and require costly emergency service. Additionally, having your system checked by a professional can lower utility bills, improve indoor air quality, and prevent avoidable repairs.

mom and toddler daughter read a book together

Our Comprehensive Air Conditioning Maintenance Services

Our expert technicians will implement a full rundown of your air conditioning system during your AC maintenance appointment. Our team will ensure that nothing is blocking the airflow through the ducts and clean any debris from your units. In addition to checking the physical parts, we will improve indoor air quality and prevent any harmful pollutants from being carried through your system. We make sure to check for internal damage by:

  • Searching for cracks
  • Running carbon monoxide and pressure testing
  • Examining refrigerant pressure
  • Reinforcing any worn portions of the wiring

Maintaining Your Indoor Air Quality

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that indoor air quality can be up to 10 times more polluted than the worst outdoor air. Because of this, you must consider the status of your home’s indoor air quality maintenance. Our heating and cooling services include all costs, such as any parts and labor, so you don’t end up with any surprise hidden fees at the end of your invoice. Our standard call-out fee includes dispatching a technician to your home or business and the cost of the typical amount of time required to perform an inspection. If there are any safety issues, a Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical technician will explain your options and disclose costs before performing any additional work.

Air Filter Maintenance

Air filters in your air conditioning systems can impact the function and overall efficiency of your heater or air conditioner. To get the most out of your systems, we recommend regular maintenance and changing your filters periodically. Depending on the size and type of air filters you use, we suggest:

  • One-inch – Between 6 and 8 weeks
  • Four-inch – Between 3 and 6 months
  • Six- to eight-inch – Between 6 and 12 months
Woman Adjusting Thermostat

Routine Air Conditioner Inspections

Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical can help you improve indoor air quality and maintain air safety by performing a comprehensive 32-point cooling system tune-up. We also have yearly service programs available. Over 1,600 clients subscribe to this proactive maintenance for peace of mind, safety, and efficiency. Our EPA-certified technicians can ensure your air filters are clean and efficient, your ventilation system is working correctly, and humidity levels are being maintained. As a family-oriented business, we prioritize improving the healthy atmosphere of your home.

Why Choose Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical?

At Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical, we are constantly working to remain up-to-date with the latest technology, training our team to increase their ability to produce quality products, and maintain the integrity of our brand. We strive to finish each job as quickly as possible without ever sacrificing quality. Our motto is “service beyond expectations,” and we strive to ensure that with every job.



Contact Us For Affordable Air Conditioning Maintenance

Each year, it is a good idea to have your air conditioning system inspected and serviced by professionals before the summer season begins. Doing this ensures that potential problems are addressed before expensive repairs or replacements become necessary. It also ensures that you are prepared for a summer heatwave with a fully-functional and efficient air conditioning system. With over 40 years of experience to the HVAC industry, we can help you stay cool and save on utility costs. With our expert team, you can find the advice, products, and air conditioning services you need to ensure the air you are breathing in your home is both comfortable and clean. Contact us today for a free estimate.

Call 801-798-7711 Today

Service Beyond Expectations—it’s our motto, but it’s also more. Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical is constantly working to keep up to date with the latest technology, training our team to increase their ability to produce quality products, and maintain the integrity of our brand. We strive to finish each job as quickly as possible without ever sacrificing quality.

Schedule your appointment today. Dial 801-798-7711 now. Our Spanish Fork AC experts serve customers throughout all of Utah County, including Provo, Orem, Salt Lake City, Lehi, and American Fork.

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A Legacy & Tradition Since 1974

Nearly 5 Decades of Experience
Quick and 24-Hour Response Times
No Job is Too Big or Too Small for Our Team
We Offer Comprehensive Maintenance Plans
Treating Customers with Integrity, Honesty & Respect
We Are Fun and Professional
Easy Financing Options Available
A Can-Do-Attitude and Approach with All Jobs

Proudly Serving Utah & Washington Counties