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Free Furnace with AC Purchase

Expert Furnace Replacements

When it’s time for a new furnace, Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical offers furnace replacement services in Utah County and Washington County, UT. A furnace replacement should address the specific needs of your household and be sized perfectly for your home. When you choose a high-efficiency replacement furnace, you save money and get an excellent source of heat. Our experienced team will help you find the perfect furnace replacement to complement your needs. We have over 40 years of experience in the heating industry, so you’re in the best possible hands with our expert team. Contact us today for a quote!

Man Replacing Furnace - Triple-T

Signs You Need a Furnace Replacement

We understand a furnace replacement is a significant investment. Your furnace will show signs you may need a replacement, including:

  • Age –If your furnace is over 15 to 20 years old, it’s time to start shopping for a newer model. It’s an excellent idea to replace your furnace as a home improvement project instead of waiting for it to break down due to age.
  • High Gas or Electric Bills –Furnaces lose energy efficiency over time. If your furnace is running longer and working harder than average to maintain heat throughout your home, your bills will reflect it.
  • Constant Repairs –Furnaces often need a significant amount of repairs when they are in their last stages of life. 
  • Strange Noises –Weird noises like rattling and squealing are often signs of an aging heating system.
  • Low Air Quality –Dust, pet dander, and debris in your air are often exacerbated by an older furnace that is having difficulty filtering the air.

High Efficiency vs. Standard Efficiency Furnace

Standard-efficiency furnaces convert about 80% of energy from gas into heat, while high-efficiency furnaces convert about 90-97%. High-efficiency furnaces use less fuel and lower your utility bills. Many high-efficiency furnace models utilize innovative motors that are quiet and use less electricity.

Benefits of a Furnace Replacement

A furnace replacement is often an excellent choice for an aging furnace. The most significant benefits of a furnace replacement include:

  • Improved airflow
  • Higher fuel efficiency
  • Lower repair costs
  • Less noise
  • Eco-friendly
  • Better air quality

What is AFUE Efficiency Rating?

The AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) furnace rating measures how well a heating unit converts fuel to heat. The minimum AFUE rating for furnaces is 80%. We can help determine the best energy efficiency rating for your home.

Furnace Replacement Cost

Furnace replacement costs vary depending on the size and type of furnace. At Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical, we offer financing options. We understand a furnace replacement is not convenient, so we recommend the EnerBankUSA Home Projects financing for customers. Our team will provide a free estimate for your furnace replacement costs and explain our financing options in detail. Our financing options include:

  • No Payment, No Interest Option for 12 Months
  • 5 Year Loan with 6.99% APR
  • 7 Year Loan with 6.99% APR
Technician Installing Furnace - Triple-T

Furnace Installation Steps

Our furnace replacement steps are fast and simple. Our furnace installation steps include:

  • Remove the Old Furnace – Our experienced technician will disconnect your furnace and remove it to dispose of it. Our technicians are trained to safely remove your old furnace and prepare the space for the new unit.
  • Connect the Furnace – We will connect the new furnace for proper and safe function. We then hook it to your ventilation system and plug it into the power source.
  • Test the Furnace – We test the new furnace by measuring airflow and the intake of the heating system.

The Importance of Furnace Check-Ups 

The best way to ensure your furnace works optimally is to get routine furnace check-ups and maintenance. Our furnace check-ups and tune-ups help prolong the lifespan of your furnace before you need a complete replacement. We offer preventative furnace maintenance and surveys once a year. We’ll keep you updated on the health of your heating system and determine if you need a furnace replacement. At home, you can help us by replacing your furnace filters. It’s important to keep pet dander, grime, and dust out of your HVAC system with furnace filters. You can also check the furnace for any leaks.

Indoor Air Quality Levels

During colder months, your furnace is responsible for warm and fresh air throughout your home. Your indoor air quality could be up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air if your furnace isn’t working correctly. It’s important to ensure your air quality is fresh and breathable. We always check your indoor air quality and offer practical solutions.

Furnace Installation Services

Triple T’s expert technicians will quickly and efficiently install your new furnace. It’s critical never to try to install a furnace on your own. Our professionals undergo extensive training and are licensed to handle furnace installation services. A gas furnace works by warming the heat exchanger that blows warm air through your home’s ductwork. Gas furnaces are an efficient and affordable choice for many homeowners. An electric furnace provides an environmentally friendly furnace option that generates heat through electricity. Our technicians will help determine the best type of furnace installation for your needs.

Expert Furnace Repair Services

Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical provides high-quality furnace repair services. We help keep you comfortable by finding the problems with your furnace. We do all types of furnace repairs, from repairing clogged filters and fixing your thermostat to installing new heat exchangers and fixing your blower belt. We never recommend attempting to repair your furnace yourself. Our technicians are extensively trained and licensed to service your furnace.

Do I Need Furnace Repairs or a Replacement?

One of the most challenging questions about your heating system is if you need a furnace repair or a furnace replacement. If your furnace is over 15 years old, it’s a wise choice to start thinking about a furnace replacement. If your furnace constantly requires repair services, our technicians will determine if it’s in your best interest to get a replacement furnace. Repairs may seem like the best decision for a short-term fix, but the best long-term solution is sometimes to replace the furnace entirely. One of the most important things to consider is replacing your new furnace before it breaks down. Once it gets too old or shows signs of significant issues, it’s time to think about replacing the system.

Home Heating Assessment

Our team will perform a home heating assessment when you decide it’s time for a furnace replacement. We check:

  • Your home’s size and capacity
  • Ductwork for any leaks or damages
  • Ways to boost your home’s indoor air quality and comfort

Why Choose Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical?

Since 1974, Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical has offered the highest quality services to the area. Our family-owned and operated business is committed to customer satisfaction and ensuring you have the best products and services for your home. We always finish the job quickly and efficiently for your comfort. We utilize the latest technology and stay updated on training. We are licensed, bonded, and insured for your peace of mind.

Contact Us for Furnace Replacement Services

If your furnace isn’t heating your home or you need an upgrade, reach out to our knowledgeable technicians. We’ll determine if you need furnace repair or replacement services. We believe you should always feel as comfortable as possible in your own home and ensure to stay on top of that comfort. No matter the size or scope of the job, we’re here for you 24/7 for all your heating and cooling needs. Contact us today to schedule a service visit.


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